Tips for a Healthy Spring!

03/20/2023 Written by: BoonGroup-Admin

Springtime has arrived and with it all the joys of the season. Sunny days are here to stay and all of the fun of the outdoors is beckoning. In this season of renewal, there’s an opportunity to renew how we approach wellness and refresh our habits! There are many ways to create a healthy spring routine that benefits our physical health, as well as our mental wellness. Read on to learn more!

Our Tips for a Healthy Spring!

1) Enjoy seasonal produce.

Nutrition is a huge part of our full picture of health. Enjoying seasonal produce is one of the best ways to get the most benefit out of the food you consume. Focusing on consuming fruits and vegetables during their appropriate season means that you are enjoying that fruit or veggie when it’s at the highest nutritional value (and best taste)! Asparagus, artichokes, and arugula are great examples of what to include in a healthy spring diet!

2) Take an evening stroll.

The cold, dark winter nights are behind us! Warmer temperatures and longer periods of sunshine make it easier than ever to take up a walking habit. Fitting in a post-dinner stroll can improve your digestion and lower your blood sugar before bed, not to mention that it’s valuable time to spend with family and limit blue light exposure before sleep!

3) For a healthy spring, get outside!

Nothing says “healthy spring” like enjoying the great outdoors. The mental fatigue of winter, known as seasonal affective disorder, is caused by the lack of sunlight and not getting enough natural vitamin D. Getting outside and enjoying those sunny spring days is great for your physical health, but also boosts your mental health and immune system. Don’t forget the sunscreen!

4) Wake up earlier and start the day right.

Increasingly, research is showing the critical role that sunlight plays in the health of our bodies and minds. It’s important, as we start the day, to soak up that morning sunshine so that we may get our body clocks in order, boost serotonin for mood regulation, and enjoy the active benefits of sunshine. It’s a small change but taking advantage of the early morning sun can make a huge difference in your overall mood.

Supporting a Healthy Spring and a Healthy Year

The foundation of all health and wellness is a healthcare benefit that delivers. Boon’s solutions offer highly sought after health and welfare benefits to employees, while offering a distinct advantage to the employer. Get a custom-fit solution that makes sense for your business!

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